Marco Antônio Calazans Duarte


Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Natal, 1980) with a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Paraíba (C. Grande, 1999). PhD in Hydraulic Engineering and Sanitation by the School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo (São Carlos, 2011). Engineer and researcher at CAERN, professor and member of the IFRN’s Basic Sanitation Research Center. Elaborated several projects and studies of systems of water supply and sanitary sewage. Participates in research in the area of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, with emphasis on Water and Effluent Treatment and Reuse. He works as a teacher, researcher and consultant in the following sub-areas: treatment of domestic and industrial water supply and wastewater, treatability tests and pilot tests in continuous flow.

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