Convite de Palestra: What is our problem with energy and resources?

O PPgUSRN convida alunos e servidores do IFRN, além de profissionais e acadêmicos de instituições externas, para participar da palestra “What is our problem with energy and resources?” a ser ministrada pelo Professor Reinhart Job da Müenster University of Applied Sciences. O evento será realizado no Mini-auditório da DIAREN, no dia 5 de dezembro às 9 horas. A seguir, segue o resumo da palestra que será ministrada em Inglês.

What is our problem with energy and resources?

The talk tries to answer two questions: Do modern societies have a real problem with the supply of energy? Can we provide the actual western style of living in a sustainable way? From the point of view of materials and materials research, the speaker describes the development of modern technological societies. The argumentation stresses that the development of societies correlates to the progress of science, and especially to the progress of materials research. With this regard, the evolution of societies towards our modern highly engineered western style of living bases on a steady supply with numerous materials and resources. Hence, the speaker expects that limited resources in the future have a strong impact on the further evolution of our societies. Albert Einstein said: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” According to Einstein’s statement and concerning the technology and economy of the future, some major changes seem to be necessary. Otherwise neither significant further progress on the long term can be expected for the modern highly technologized western societies nor – and this is painful – a closure of the gap between the rich countries and the developing world. The argumentation of the speaker predicates on basic physical principles.

Link do Currículo do Professor Reinhart.

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